Paytime is the first

Opt-In Value Exchange platform.


Paytime is the first card enabling people to pay for their subscriptions to premium content using their time of attention and data as currency.

Paytime allows the advertiser to buy the time of attention and the data it requires DIRECTLY from the consumer .

The advertiser delivers its message to the right person with their full attention. The brand only pays if the ad has been fully watched by a real person (not a bot) of the profile the brand seeks, and all its questions have been answered.

The consumer, thanks to the brand, benefits from gaining access to the content they crave. And from an advertising experience which acknowledges they have full control.


Paytime at Procter & Gamble @CES Las Vegas 2020

Procter & Gamble, the largest advertiser in the world, has collaborated with Paytime. In 2020, our founder and CEO, Ignacio Linares, was invited to “The Future of Adverting” to share the results of a joint market test with a wide portfolio of brands and thousands of GenZs across the nation.


We have learned…


…that it is possible to offer an ad experience which not only consumers do not block but actually are grateful for.


…after more than 1 million engagements, that brands can have the full attention of consumers if they enable them to choose WHEN to watch their ads and engage with their brands.

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…that when you reach the right person, with the right message and their FULL ATTENTION, the brand improves all the variables required to gain recurrent sales.